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Reform Magazine | April 29, 2024

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Posts ByReform, Author at Reform Magazine - Page 154 of 313

No more money for oil: Divest or engage? Part one

30/10/2018 |

With climate experts announcing that we have 12 years to contain climate change, is it time for all Churches to stop investing in fossil fuel companies? asks Operation Noah’s James Buchanan. Next month, the United Reformed Church’s investors respond

What … Read More

Go deeper into faith

30/10/2018 |

Alister McGrath explores the meaning of discipleship

For many people, the word ‘discipleship’ seems very old-fashioned. It sits uneasily alongside the emphasis on entrepreneurial leadership which has become so important to many denominations. Yet we need to keep on using … Read More

A good question: Does God hate divorce?

30/10/2018 | 1

‘“I hate divorce,” says the Lord,’ according to Malachi. What does that mean? One question, four answers


These are extracts from an article that was published in the November 2018 edition of  Reform

To read the full article, subscribe … Read More

Interview: I was hungry

30/10/2018 |

The food poverty writer and campaigner Jack Monroe talks to Stephen Tomkins at Greenbelt

‘This morning, small boy had one of the last Weetabix, mashed with water, with a glass of tap water to wash it down with. “Where’s Mummy’s … Read More

Reviews – November 2018

30/10/2018 |

Massacre of the Norwegian innocents

Utøya July 22 Directed by Erik Poppe Certificate 15, 92 minutes Released 26 October

This film is a Norwegian-language reconstruction of the experience of the teenagers attending Norway’s Labour party youth leaders’ summer camp on … Read More

On the pilgrim way: ‘Grief has cut us to the heart’

30/10/2018 |

Sheila Maxey grieves a terrible family tragedy

On 28 August, our 24-year-old granddaughter, Ciara, took her own life. It was a deliberate act, not a cry for help.

Our son, Peter, had long been separated from Donna, Ciara’s mother, and … Read More