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Reform Magazine | October 24, 2024

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A good question: Christianity: Left? Right?Neutral? - Reform Magazine

A good question: Christianity: Left? Right?Neutral?

One question, four answers

Peter Knowles
‘Identifying faith with party is too easy’

It is wildly obvious to most writers for this magazine, and preachers and prayer writers in our tradition, that Christianity leans to the left….

Peter Knowles is a lay preacher, a political and parliamentary journalist, and former convenor of the URC’s communications committee


Hannah Rich
‘The two halves of “Christian socialist” fit together naturally’

Keir Hardie, the founding leader of the Labour Party, often spoke about how his socialist politics were inspired more by the New Testament and the poetry of Robert Burns than by any work of left-wing political ideology or economic theory….

Hannah Rich is Director of Christians on the Left


Richard Reddie
‘Christianity exhibits all these positions’

Had I been asked this question several years ago, I would have said Christianity is unquestionably a left-wing belief system, especially if we explore it through a ‘public policy’ prism….

Richard Reddie is Director of Justice and Inclusion at Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, and author of Race for Justice: The struggle for equality and inclusion in British and Irish churches


Steve Tinning
‘No party fully reflects the values of the Kingdom of God’

For many Christians, this is an extremely uncomfortable question.

Steve Tinning is Public Issues Enabler for the Baptist Union of Great Britain and a member of the Joint Public Issues Team


This is an extract from an article published in the March 2024 edition of Reform

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