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Reform Magazine | July 17, 2024

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Jumble Sales of the apocalypse Archives - Reform Magazine

Jumble sales of the apocalypse: Can the God of the Bible take a joke?

26/06/2018 |

A fond farewell from Simon Jenkins

All jumble sales must come to an end, even (or especially) apocalyptic ones. It’s time for all the tat no one wanted to take home to be tossed into a black bin bag and … Read More

Jumble sales of the apocalypse: Worship screensaver mode

29/05/2018 |

Simon Jenkins tackles worship screensaver mode

I was speaking in church recently, and was just hitting peak preach – a bit like the thundering of Niagara Falls after a few weeks of heavy rain – when I made the error … Read More

Jumble sales of the apocalypse: Plastic piety

30/04/2018 |

Simon Jenkins talks plastic piety

Walking down a rainy street in Lisbon, I unexpectedly discovered a Roman Catholic supplies store in a side street. Normally, I notice unusual shops when something in their window catches my eye, but this time … Read More

Jumble sales of the apocalypse: The curious history of the Creed

27/03/2018 |

Simon Jenkins tells the curious history of the Creed

Every Sunday morning after the sermon, congregations in many churches get the chance to answer back. As the preacher sinks exhausted into his or her pew, congregants stand and turn their … Read More

Jumble sales of the apocalypse: Spontaneous prayer

23/02/2018 |

Simon Jenkins on spontaneous prayer

Churches differ from each other in a multitude of ways – whether their clergy dress up or dress down, whether they skip through five-minute sermonettes or endure hour-long blockbusters – but one of the biggest … Read More

Jumble sales of the apocalypse: Baffling hymns

26/01/2018 |

Simon Jenkins on baffling hymns

This Christmas just gone, in the middle of singing one of the season’s best-loved carols, right in the middle of the line: ‘Lo, he abhors not the virgin’s womb,’ I found myself wondering why we … Read More