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Reform Magazine | October 24, 2024

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Reverse Advent Calendar 2020: Day 32 - Reform Magazine

Reverse Advent Calendar 2020: Day 32

Mission Aviation Fellowship

In these challenging times, many of us are getting first-hand experience of what it means to be isolated. Yet millions of people live so far from roads, education and healthcare that the only way to reach them is by air. That is why, for 75 years, MAF has been flying over jungles, mountains and deserts to bring medical care, emergency relief and Christian hope to thousands of communities. Flying to more destinations than any commercial airline, MAF will continue to combat isolation long after the coronavirus is defeated. Your gift of £37 covers the cost of a jerrycan of fuel and the delivery of three Bibles to isolated people like the Yali tribe in Papua. 

To give to MAF, click here

Join the Reform Reverse Advent and Christmas Calendar! Every day throughout Advent, until the twelfth day of Christmas, enjoy a seasonal treat and put aside a pound. Then, when the season of good will is done, you’ll have £38 to give to people who are doing great work.

Click here to read about more charities on our Reverse Advent and Christmas Calendar

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