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Reform Magazine | February 6, 2025

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A good question Archives - Page 2 of 20 - Reform Magazine

A good question: Does the Church have a problem with class?

03/06/2024 |

One question, four answers

Liz Kam‘Our Church is built on middle-class ideals’

As a Church-Related Community Worker (CRCW), my immediate response is to shout, ‘Yes! Obviously!’Class is a complex issue sociologically, culturally and economically. The nuances involved in how we … Read More

A good question: What makes a church thrive?

29/04/2024 |

One question, four answers

Jane Bower‘Accept change for the better, even when it hurts’

Thriving is more than existing or growing – for anything to thrive, it needs to be nourished, kept healthy, stimulated, and sparking with imagination, ideas and … Read More

A good question: What can we learn from the Church in Africa?

26/03/2024 |

One question, four answers

Peggy Kabonde‘Everywhere in Africa, the Church is recording growing membership’

Church life in Africa is characterised by deep faith, the joy of worship through music, dancing, praying and responsive meditation, and social responsibility undertaken in nearly … Read More

A good question: Christianity: Left? Right?Neutral?

28/02/2024 |

One question, four answers

Peter Knowles‘Identifying faith with party is too easy’

It is wildly obvious to most writers for this magazine, and preachers and prayer writers in our tradition, that Christianity leans to the left….

Peter Knowles is a … Read More

A good question: Did Jesus cast out real demons?

29/01/2024 |

One question, four answers

Rebecca Dean‘Demons resist simple definitions’

The Synoptic Gospels, Matthew, Mark and Luke, all portray Jesus as a healer and miracle worker who is able to cast out unclean or evil spirits and demons. These entities were … Read More

A good question: Is Britain a sexually dysfunctional society?

12/12/2023 |

One question, four answers

Carla Grosch-Miller‘Sexual development is the arena for spiritual growth’

My professional doctorate is in the area of sexual and spiritual integration, so I am delighted to have the opportunity to consider what a sexually functional society … Read More