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Reform Magazine | February 12, 2025

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Airstrikes and dancing - Reform Magazine

Airstrikes and dancing

Pek Muan Cuang reports on the trials and joys of the Church in Myanmar

The Presbyterian Church of Myanmar (PCM) started in 1956, not with missionaries from the West, but with local church elders who were not happy with the leadership of Baptists and Methodists. Elders from different villages sent representatives to Mizoram Presbyterian Church in India, and asked their help. In the 1960s, the Mizoram Presbyterian Church Synod sent one minister to help PCM as a missionary pastor for ten years. But that was a very risky time, with the revolution of 1962, and the pastor was arrested and imprisoned, and then sent back home.

That was our starting point, and PCM has been growing slowly year after year since then. Now it has around 40,000 members. They are scattered all around Myanmar, with the greatest numbers in Chin Hills, and in Sagaing region where PCM headquarters office is located. We have around 150 ministers working there and 70 people working on General Assembly Mission Board.

The mission board is doing evangelism to unreached people. It has been blessed by God and 300 so-called ‘lost souls’ are added to our membership every year, so we are very happy…

Pek Muan Cuang is General Secretary of the Presbyterian Church of Myanmar. He was talking to Stephen Tomkins


This is an extract from an article published in the September 2023 edition of Reform

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