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Reform Magazine | February 12, 2025

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Chapter & verse: John 20:1-18 - Reform Magazine

Chapter & verse: John 20:1-18

Rosalind Selby on Mary’s moment of revelation

Many who read or listen to John 20 this Easter will have suffered a bereavement. Some of those bereavements may have been faith-challenging, tragic losses. A young person, a horrific accident, a violent death, a suicide – all have the capacity to shake us to the marrow and to challenge our faith.

Different people suffered loss on that Friday. Mary lost her oldest son. No parent should have to face the death of their child but, more than that, this was a public, humiliating and violent murder. We don’t know if Jesus’ brothers or sisters were there, but they lost a sibling. Peter lost a friend but also a friend he’d betrayed so that their relationship hadn’t ended well. Not having been able to make peace before someone dies can leave a sense of guilt which stands in the way of healing the wounds of loss.

What of the other disciples? Are they numb with shock? How could this young, vibrant, healthy, passionate man have gone! These experiences and questions are real, and have the capacity to resonate with us today. So, let’s not forget them, because in the healing of the disciples we might also glimpse the beginnings of our healing. …

Rosalind Selby is Principal of Northern College, Manchester


This is an extract from an article that was published in the April 2018 edition of  Reform

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