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Reform Magazine | July 17, 2024

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Alison Micklem Archives - Reform Magazine

Community-minded: Looking back

19/07/2013 |

‘Letting go is hard, but we hope to leave a legacy of transformed communities’

Writing this last column for Reform had reminded me that letting go is always hard. There came a time when Jesus had to entrust the task … Read More

Community-minded: Hope in dandelions

22/05/2013 |

Church-related community workers being scattered across the country, ours can be a very isolated ministry, so we all value the brief time of sharing offered by our annual residential. We come together to reflect on our ministry, hear how various … Read More

Community-minded: Life-affirming celebrations

24/04/2013 |

With such serious economic and social issues to be addressed at the moment, it seems almost heartless to talk about resurrection joy and newness of life. However, we are still in the Easter season, and that is the Gospel message … Read More

Community-minded: Journey of surprises

27/03/2013 |

It took the disciples many years to come to terms with the full impact of Jesus’ resurrection, not least because they themselves had to keep developing and changing to meet the new challenges that their journeys of faith kept raising. … Read More

Community-minded: How to transform a community

20/02/2013 |

Sometimes we find we have reached the same point as someone else, but from a different starting point and with very different motives. When that happens, we can journey along in fruitful partnership for a while, though always aware that … Read More

Community-minded: In praise of evaluation

20/11/2012 |

From his birth in Bethlehem to his resurrection appearances, Jesus turned expectations and received wisdom on its head. Even his closest disciples were constantly surprised by his statements and behaviour. He made people see life from a new perspective, which … Read More